Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Just found this on Obama

I happened to be out at my firearms store to pick up a box of ammo I had been waiting for. I start talking to a friend of mine that works there and he hands me this print off they got on the internet someplace. He said take it have have plenty more they are handing them out to people that aren't even in there to buy a gun or ammo, it's a pawn shop the only place around where I can order new guns or ammo through. Here's what the letter says:

1.Obama supported a shutdown of all gun stores within 5 miles of a school or park-a move that would have cost 99% of gun stores nationwide.

2.Obama supported Ted Kennedy's ammo ban to outlaw all deer-hunting ammunition.

3.Obama green-lighted discussions that would lead to a U.N. gun ban treaty,signaling the U.N. that America would support steps toward global civilian disarmament.

4.Obama is ONE vote away from a Supreme Court gun-ban majority to rubber-stamp gun control laws and overturn the Second Amendment.

5.Obama's regulatory "czar," Cass Sunstein wants to ban hunting and says animals should be represented in court.

6.Obama is trying to slash funding for the Armed Pilots Program designed to prevent terror attacks.

7.Obama voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt American gun makers.

8.Obama's administration illegally smuggled guns to Mexican drug lords, then imposed illegal gun registration in four states, blaming gun owners for his administration's insane policy.

9.Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder said we need to "really brainwash people" against guns.

10.Obama admits he's coming for our guns, telling Sarah Brady, "We are working on {gun control}, but under the radar.

Now I don't know about you he aint taking my guns. Animals should be represented?? HA HA